Workshop description: 

The discussion aims at exploring the forms of youth participation in which young people can engage in civic life. The discussion group will also be encouraged to reflect on the benefits and limitations of different forms. By fostering a deeper understanding of the various forms of youth participation, this discussion aims to inspire and empower young people to become more active and engaged citizens in their communities and beyond.


Facilitator: Ilda Methasani

Master of Science graduate in Finance with a long record of activism spanning environment, gender equality and youth empowerment. Her passion and need to act upon these issues and topics have been a fundamental part of her coming of age. She has been a key founding member of a local environmental club “Outdoors Ambassadors Tirana” sponsored by the U.S. Embassy and Peace Corps. She also started volunteering as a trainer with “Glow Albania” an initiative designed to help the next generation of girls to grow and become the leaders of tomorrow. Later, she saw the opportunity to combine the causes and issues she was passionate about under the umbrella of civic engagement by joining the U.S. Embassy Youth Council in Tirana.

In 2019, she was selected as Albania's first delegate to the United Nations, a program that aims to increase the participation of Albanian youth in the decision-making process. And in 2020, she began a 2-year mandate as a youth delegate to the "Congress of Local and Regional Authorities" in the Council of Europe. 

Her vision is to help raise awareness that sometimes it's the things that we do locally that most people take for granted are the ones that have the biggest impact on the global scale.