Climate Change and rising global temperatures are no longer only concerns of scientists and small groups of environmental activists. The public seems to know, there is something happening to this planet and that there is a need for action.

About the event

More and more people become part of movements such as Fridays for Future or Extinction Rebellion. Sustainability is the new focus, from personal lifestyle to business development. However, we find ourselves in discussions with people who believe climate change is nothing but a hoax, whilst certain regions in Europe and all around the world are already experiencing its impacts.

Politicians seem to care more about being re-elected than bringing innovative and strict policies for climate protection on the way. But is that really the case? Where do we stand in Europe? What does the 1.5°C-goal mean? And what is our vision of a sustainable future? We were asking ourselves how we can influence these developments in our own lifestyle but also whose responsibility sustainability is in general.


This seminar was part of our European Solidarity Seminar series. The series deals with issues that will affect and shape the future of young people in Europe. It questions the way we deal with the ongoing climate crisis, nationalism, migration or discrimination. One of the central questions of the series is, how much solidarity do we want to show in Europe?