About the Act.ival for Future:
In cooperation with the European umbrella organisation of Solidarity Action Day organisations in Europe, Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe (SAME), SHL organises the annual international youth conference "Act.ival for Future", which will take place in Lübeck from 04.05. - 08.05.2023 and is expected to attract 200 young people from all over Europe. The Act.ival promotes intercultural exchange and social cohesion in Europe and encourages young people to make their voices heard and become socially active.

About the task:
Discussion groups and workshop facilitators are expected to prepare, implement and evaluate the discussion group/workshop. Discussion groups aim to bring participants to the same level of conceptual understanding of the topic and allow sharing of experiences, concerns or/and good practice. The discussion groups should result in one message/statement to be recorded for the joint video project. Some framework areas are proposed below, they should guide you but not limit if you feel proposing something slightly different. These frame work areas in any case should be narrowed down and concretized for the actual workshops.

● Youth participation & activism
● Gender equality & feminism
● Anti-capitalism & consumerism
● Colonialism & anti-racism
● Performative activism & critical development aid

The workshops aim to build some practical skill, ideally after the workshop participants should know how to do things. The proposed framework areas are below, but please feel free to propose something else if relevant for Act.ival or for the work of the Solidarity Action Day Movement.

● Funding projects
● How to attract young people for voluntary work
● Knowledge management
● Impact oriented project evaluation
● Publicity for good
● Group dynamics and facilitation basics
● Moderation techniques
● Tools for Instagram
● Public speaking & rhetoric skills

The framework topics are the ideas raised at the conceptualization phase of the programme and they are not written in stone. If you do believe there should be some other important issues to discuss or a skill to train, feel free to propose!

Expected facilitators profile:

● Expertise/ experience in the topic of the discussion group, ability to provide additional
information and resources on the requested topic
● Practical experience in the topic of the skill-building workshop, ability to showcase examples
and guide participants when needed
Besides that both facilitators of the discussion groups and the workshops are expected to:
● Plan (design), prepare, run and evaluate the workshop
● Run the workshop / facilitate the discussion group of 20 participants
● Describe the workshop according the standard session plan (Session outline)
● Prepare all necessary hand outs, powerpoints or other session-related materials
● Deliver content in interactive way (non-formal education)
● After the workshop, draft some key conclusions and send to the programme coordinator for
the reporting purposes
● Sustain communication with the programme coordinator during the preparation phase and
during the programme of the conference.


● Lump sum of 100 euro per working day. If you apply for 2 days (for the discussion groups and
the workshops it will be 200 euro)
● Accommodation will be provided for those who need to stay overnight
● Meals will be provided
● Travel cost will be reimbursed after the event by bank transfer.

Diversity is important to us. We welcome applications from people regardless of their ethnic,
national or social origin, gender, disability, age or sexual identity.

How to apply:
The application phase for Act.ival 2024 is over.